The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society
Alias: The Mudhens

Photo by John Scherr
Module: The Palisades
Denver, South Park & Pacific RR
by Chuck Proudfoot
Updated September 26, 2024
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Mudhens Newsletters, through Volume 25, No. 1 (March 2024)
​Complete Mudhens Standards
Mudhens Bylaws and Corporate Items
Welcome to
The Mudhens are a non-profit organization promoting narrow gauge railroading thru modeling in HO scale (1/87th actual size). Formally known as The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society, the club was founded in the early 1980’s by the late Bob Rands of Micro Engineering in St. Louis, Missouri. The club now includes members in multiple locations in five states.
When we model, we create tables (modules) which can interconnect to other modules to create different layouts depending on which modules are available for any particular event and what space is allotted to us. We have also created a special "sectional layout" which normally resides in St. Louis but has made several out-of-town appearances, including National Narrow Gauge Conventions in Kansas City and Denver.
We are dedicated to high quality modeling, improving our skills and knowledge, and enhancing others enjoyment of model railroading and the history that inspires us to create models of some of the scenes you might have witnessed 100 or more years ago.
We are actively looking for new members, be you a modeler or only interested in part of what we do.
Visitors are always welcome. Interested or curious? Contact us. Come see us at one of the events where we will be exhibiting (listed above) or at one of our monthly meetings and you too might be inspired to re-create a part of history, or maybe a figment of your imagination. But you don't even need to be a modeler. Maybe you don't have space for a module, or space to model in, or even the desire to construct a model, we offer good fellowship, advice, help in recreating your special part of the world in miniature, or maybe just getting to know a nice group of friends who are all interested in model railroading, history, photography, and/or etc., all of which is wrapped up in this little hobby of ours.
We also need volunteers to help set up and brake apart layouts at events, especially near the St. Louis area. If you think you might enjoy helping out, contact us. The more volunteers we can get the more opportunities we have to display layouts.
We hope you enjoy your time on our site!